Sunday, June 17, 2012

11 months

new in month 11. sharing her food, spitting out her food, becoming much more social,  experiencing far less separation anxiety, swimming, dropping a feeding, whole milk, pooping in the bath tub (and then trying to grab it).

a little tall, a little skinny, big surprise!

still same schedule, she wakes around 8, takes two naps a day (betw 45min and 2hrs long), and goes to bed around 730. takes three bottles, eats three meals (loves avocado!). she's so busy that i look forward to putting her to bed at night and then immediately start missing her and have to go in and touch her sweet cheeks and rub her back.

she thinks the dogs are hysterical. she is starting to give kisses. she is also starting to have tantrums. jeremy says she can pick out the kind of wood she wants her paddle to be made out of.

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