Saturday, November 06, 2010

claire de lunatic

i hate that there is no "stop" button on itunes and ipod (last time i checked?). it pisses me off, there should always be a stop if there's going to be a go. the opposite of play is not pause, it is stop. pause is like an ellipses, stop is like a period. can you imagine reading something without a period, only commas and semi colons and ellipses? that would be a nightmare. start, end. play, stop. the universe is dysfunctional without diametric, polarity. it's so underwhelming/anticlimactic to press pause when you really mean stop. not into it.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

break me off a piece of that kit kat bar

i bought these snack sized kit kat for customers. i have eaten half the bag. the weird thing is that they are in packs of two and i never remember eating the second one. i always remember unpacking it and biting the first one in half but then i must black out because next thing i know, i reach down for the second one and it's gone. so i end up eating another pack. same thing. i hate snack sized stuff. bb and i have talked about the process of rationalizing your way through snack sized snickers until you've eaten the equivalent of a king sized snickers bar, even though if given the choice, you would think that eating a king sized snickers is both overwhelming and disgusting. sad.

happy half birthday, evan boy

if you EVEN say that you have seen a cuter baby you will be one hundred percent lying. yes i love being related to cute people. babies are not made any cuter and this one has a super dorky laugh to accompany his adorable face. let's hope adolescence doesn't do a number on him.