Friday, April 04, 2008

the new kids don't look so new anymore

two words that have a bad rap: dirt and fat. dirt doesn't signal that something is dirty. ingesting fat doesn't make you fat. i don't know much about language, but i have a feeling that other people don't run into this problem. and if they do, i'm almost sure that they intuitively make the necessary distinction. does that make sense? in some ways, english is so gratuitous and in other ways, it is lacking. so that's sort of weird.

marcy purchased a compost bin and we decided to overtake another eight percent of the yard for gardening purposes. i told brian that by the end of the summer, i don't want to have to go to the grocery store anymore. the only drawback is that bradley currently utilizes this little plot of land for sunbathing and it also serves as the turnaround point of his running track. but he doesn't pay rent, or taxes, and he can't speak, or give me the finger, so i don't feel too sorry for him.

if you haven't visited 101 cookbooks, you should. i've made almost 10 recipes from it in the last three weeks. tonight, chazz and i had the sunburst carrot salad as a side, alongside black bean burritos; it was really good, man.

now i feel like i have to insert a picture or lesley will complain. so here, cherry blossoms in brooklyn, it's springtime, people:


Swartz's Scribbles said...

love the pic! I wish I could have seen them in full bloom when I was in DC

Anonymous said...

i love you and i miss you!!!