Tuesday, November 08, 2011

stranger than fiction

e.m. has stranger anxiety.

sometimes it takes her a minute to spool up but when people other than jse and i are around, if someone tries to hold or gets in esther margaret's face, she will start screaming/crying at some point and not stop until she is back with mom or dad (this condition is likely to be exacerbated when she is in childcare starting in january).

this developmental stage is a subset of separation anxiety, which is a part of learning object permanence - things continue to exist even when we can't see them. can you imagine if someone never learned this? you'd always be saying "oh my gosh, great to see you, i thought i'd never see you again!!" every time someone went to the restroom and came back. if someone you really liked said they were going to step out to take a phone call, you'd likely beg them not to leave..

what a weird world that would be..


Mt. Marcy said...

Sweet little baby, stranger anxiety and all.

Anonymous said...

Most babies don't start experiencing stranger anxiety until they are closer to the year mark. I know my two kids didn't really know what was going on at four months. They just liked to sleep and be held.