Saturday, October 30, 2010

look how cute my nephew is

my brother and sister in law keep a blog. i refuse to tell you what it is because i want to be the one responsible for bringing you these freakishly adorable pictures of my sweet nephew, evan. i have to fight for attention with that kid around.

this is a very cute picture of evan possibly about to cry among pumpkins, but it's cuter if you know him. first, pre-cry, he breathes in and out very quickly through his micro-nostrils so the tiny little sound his nose emits is so cute you want to die. and then he sounds like a baby pterodactyl when he does cry so i kind of love it.

the kid has big hands. he doesn't know how to use the camera to his advantage yet (like me, i always position my head behind someone else's to compensate for my giant noggin). his left hand kind of looks like carl weathers as happy gilmore's caddy.
really i love this picture. he looks like someone just woke him up from a sleep-eating nightmare where he ate someone's entire wedding cake the night before the wedding. i love the wayward hair on the left side of his head and left eyebrow, especially. kristine has been saying that evan is looking more and more like paul, and actually, this is exactly what paul looked like the last time we ate barbecue.

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