Sunday, October 10, 2010

austin speed limits

this weekend, i went down to austin to catch muse play at acl. what a great time, one of the best live performances i've ever seen. if you ever have a chance to catch them live, you should!

beforehand, at moonie's for burgers, with my bro and fam..bangs are too short. this really is like being kicked swiftly in the nuts, twice, look at my previous post for explanation.
does anyone think that evan is starting to look like pikachu?we ran into martha and john..they had just seen lcd soundsystem. we watched matt & kim together.
cool laser effects
a great shot of muse
yd and me. look at that guy standing behind us, doesn't he look toasted? there was also a guy who had made a huge sign for himself called "high five guy" or something. he was so obnoxious about tapping people on the shoulder, making a stupid face and putting a hand up for a fiver. he did this to me and i said no. he kept doing it so i told him that i don't touch people i don't know. still undeterred, i couldn't take the shoulder tapping anymore so i just moved. so we ended up standing in front of this guy who was as high as a kite. i wish he would share some of his pot with the high five guy, hfg needs to chill out, major. i think it was the principle of the thing that i couldn't give into.
this is not yd's best impression of an engineering student at berkley in 1997, he actually is using earbuds to talk on the phone. if you say something cool but are wearing dorky headphones like this, they cancel each other out and it's like nothing ever happened. except that i have a picture of it so you can't remember what was said, only that he was wearing headphones using a slide up phone.
afterward, yd wanted to commemorate his best wurst experience with a photo op but a mexican guy from san angelo couldn't focus (on my point and shoot, set on auto) very well. i'm not sure why i'm clutching my bag like this, weird.

1 comment:

PandK said...

e would eat pikachu for a snack