Wednesday, September 01, 2010

what's up doc

this is my new friend, he lives at my neighborhood tractor supply. i don't know his name but it doesn't matter, he lives in the main aisle between to the hexnut bolts and multi-pack agricultural syringes. when i saw him, his cage was behind the stack of discounted dog food.

you know how dogs do that weird bobbing thing with their heads when you scratch a certain part of their back and they get a glossed over look in their eyes? well this rabbit does that! i think that's why he keeps his rear in the corner like that. man he really likes his back being scratched.

he lives in this crazy amazing set up, the cage has three floors and separate compartments for day naps and also one that's covered for getting more serious shut eye. he lives a good life, even though he has to look at tarps, canvas overalls (which i am starting to warm up to) and trailer hitches all day.

i asked the cashier whether he goes home at night. she said no, but that they sometimes play with him after close. i wish i could take that bunny camping with me.


Mt. Marcy said...

What would Bunny's trail name be?

the roache hotel said...

hilarious!!! um, i don't know, maybe wascally wabbit.