Monday, November 10, 2008

members only

i have always been very strict about my boundaries with animals. i feel less able to draw these same boundaries with claire. i am smitten by her chubby forearms, by her giant rump, by her eyes, she's for sure a sweet one.

she is nuts about riding in the car. if i even open the door slightly, she bounds in and will not get out, and if i try to pick her up, she rolls over and goes limp.

this is a picture of her after she climbed in as i was loading up the car. i kept calling her name inside the house and she was nowhere to be found. she had been sitting in the car for at least 15 minutes, motionless, ready for action. she reminded me of one of those over-eager kids, sitting in the car, buckled up, repeating the spellings of words, even before the key was in the ignition. yes, like me.


Anonymous said...

i didn't know claire was autistic!

Unknown said...

i am in L-O-V-E with miss claire and haven't even met her yet. hopefully soon!

Mt. Marcy said...

I heart Claire. She reminds me so much of B-rad, he absolutely loved the car. Pant, pant.

PS, OMG, you were the cutest kid...overly-eager, going through the spelling of words in your head. Hilarious.

mommymimi said...

i must see her soon! xo