Tuesday, November 25, 2008

dysfunction junction, what's your function

the title is not related to my post, whatsoever. mimi sang it this morning as if it were the original schoolhouse rock lyrics. hilarious. . .

i just wanted to say happy thanksgiving, i'll be traveling today and tomorrow so i wanted to get this out there before it was too late. i would assume that not many people are going to be pushing back from the table to check email on t-day anyway.

a whole lot to be thankful for, but not thankful that the white man took land away from the indians and massacred them later. not thankful for that, just to confirm. still my favorite holiday by far.

happy thanksgiving, safe travels if you are leaving, see you when we are all back.

ps. claire is 27lbs exactly, right on track for swimsuit season. . .
pps. my new do, i cut it again.

ppps. if you are confused, the lyrics go "conjunction junction, how's that function"


Mt. Marcy said...

You look beautiful! I love the curls and the length, too. Eats lots of turkey and stuffing. What will Claire do while you're gone?

Anonymous said...

cute sex hair.