Wednesday, January 24, 2007

de facto of the matter

worth is an interesting thing.

on one hand, it's qualitative. with some things, you can judge worth pretty easily. for example, a piece of clothing has a fixed monetary worth. the process of making a decision is simple. if you want to get into shape, you will determine if it's worth it to you to invest a certain amount of money, energy and time toward that end.

but on the other hand, sometimes things are just worth it because they just are and you can't say "x is worth it to me so i will do y amount of work" or "i like x enough so i will pay y amount of money". sometimes something is just worth it and you think and act toward that end without boundaries, without minimums or maximums, without fear. and you don't know if and when a time will come when it's not worth it but what is in front of you is compelling enough for you to keep going.

and sometimes those things end up meaning more and sometimes they end up meaning less. but not meaningless or worth less or worthless.

i feel like i'm going around in circles. but not like robert persig in zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance and his discussion on quality. more like i am a newborn colt and am trying to walk for the first time but i have placenta in my eyes and don't know how to use my feet.


Anonymous said...

If you ever say "placenta" again I will repeat a five letter m-word over and over again and I'll throw in other words you find worthless. ...what I have just committed to doing is probably the anti-grace. Mercy, please.

Anonymous said...

blech! the last paragraph! placenta in the eyes!! ewww!

Anonymous said...

Officer: (Sighs) All right, Rocket Girl. Tell me one I haven't heard before.

Roache: Officer, I didn't see any speed limit sign. I HAVE PLACENTA IN MY EYES!!!! AAAAAAAAUGH!!!!

Officer: (Uncomfortable silence)

Roache: I am a newborn colt on a Chautauqua!!!

Officer: (Murmuring into handset) Officer in need of backup . . . .