Tuesday, April 14, 2015

but her face

visiting my dad in san antonio
 i always see this girl in crewcuts catalogs and her facial expressions have always bothered me. i realized that it's because i feel that asians are naturally and deliberately stoic and this child chooses not to be. i feel like she's showing our cards. i also think my kid is cuter but would only model over my dead body.
 the house as of who knows when in the last two months.
 framing in back of house is done (by the time you see this the plumbing, shower bases and dry wall are up also. insulation and electricity next.
 this all became one room.
 restroom, pantry, master bedroom, closet (sub floors are all in currently but let's be honest, still not much to see...or imagine)
 drawbridge because of the nonstop rain the last several months
 em really loves putting on my "nake up". i do love that creamy, poreless skin.
 she and evan eleven are closer than ever, laughing hysterically and running around all day long.
 a hermes scarf exhibit i did for an organization for which i volunteer. the only american hermes artist lives in waco, and i know a lot of people who have them, so i borrowed them all and put them up.
a cookie butter marathon almost ended me. i would flip this photo but i just took an ambien and don't have the willpower to make it right. if i get the urge to eat it now (it's like emulsified cinnamon cookies), i can buy a jar, take out a spoonful and then drop it off at john john's, who has the metabolism of a gazelle.
if you didn't know what the easter bunny does post his big day, he might do this. stay tethered to a chair on the floor of someone's dining room.

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