Monday, November 04, 2013

chick chick chick

i think blogger is a dying breed. that's what i hear about facebook too. i guess i will be posting until it takes its last breath.

we have all been doing well, although i would like to get more sleep.

homecoming weekend, a satisfied katie's custard customer.

 doesn't she look so old?! heartbreaking but true. we rode the train at lion's park
 inside evan's rocket ship on a trip to austin to meet up with family
 the only one eyed passenger that can fit in her car
 unpacking at the swartzs last week, we found these two budding rock stars
 a quick pump in her swimsuit before bed
 with cousin hallie last night, em couldn't tear her eyes away from pinocchio
*it has started to happen, em's indoctrination to blue and gray. i have tried other colors but think she looks like a tiny clown. i will continue to try, but gravity is hard to defy.


Dawn Greer Hall said...

until your last blogger breath

Dawn Greer Hall said...

until your last blogger breath