Tuesday, July 09, 2013


we decided to take a last minute road trip to new mexico over the july 4 holiday. the harlows were up in santa fe so we decided to make that our first destination.

jeremy recently found out that his great grandfather, wc echols, was a famous wolf hunter. he is mentioned in many books, has artifacts in the smithsonian as well as a few mentions in cormac mccarthy's novel, the crossing. jeremy downloaded that book as well as a few others (many of mccarthy's books take place in NM and west texas) to listen to during the drive.

the hotel room in lubbock, 40$ per night. the last time we slept in a full bed together was years ago and it did not go well. better this time, maybe the faux bamboo floors made us feel more at home.
 rocky mountains driving into santa fe
 dinner out at the shed on july 4, no man wears gingham like jse.
 we headed south and went through this town, jeremy said he would like to live here. i said i would too as long as i have a jet/helicopter available.

we went to a museum in lordsburg, nm, jeremy found pictures of his grandfather, i found this.

we even got close enough to mexico that we went through a border control station. the german shepherd was the highlight.

then we drove into texas and stayed in alpine at a quaint hotel called the holland hotel. we also visited marfa, fort davis and marathon. five days, 3000 miles.

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