Tuesday, February 19, 2013

when in asia, do as the asians do

em and i went to visit paul, kristine, evan, habujee and halmunee. we went to eat vietnamese for lunch and then went to the asian supermarket for some groceries.

evan, em, (faux) mickey, some dangerous power cords in front of a backdrop filled with boxes of rice.
 walking with samchun and cousin
 stationary school bus, two steering wheels and a kid freaking out in the background. perfect sense.
 my own kid freaking out, carrying to the car with her hands immobilized because she won't stop hitting me. (note to self, remember why you only wear your sweatshirt and cut off exercise pants at home. because it looks horrible anywhere else.)
by the way, we (asians) don't always go to eat at an asian restaurant and shop at asian grocery stores. duh, costco sells kimchi.

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