Wednesday, May 16, 2012

bachelorette pad

had the impression that the newly single chris harrison was dying to create a new category for the rose in addition to the first impression rose called "best, hottest host ever that you want to run away with". at any point i was sure he was going to end the show and sweep emily off of her feet, even in the weird one shouldered, ice skating/diana ross dress she wore tonight.

no other commentary except that texas was represented well, and there are a few too many guys who resembled leprechauns, either by dress, ear position, posture or tendency to dance the irish jig at the wrong times (all the time).

my top three.

arie from the netherlands. he is my number one! race car driver, high contrast coloring, elegant, languid body language. 
ryan from georgia. the southern accent and gentility, likes kids and makes the weird cowlick in the back of his head work. very strong number 2.
sean from dallas. i don't know specifically, i guess i thought he was real nice and calm and genuine. i didn't even really notice him and then at the rose ceremony i suddenly wanted him to win!
two others, they won't make it, but i would like to see a little bit more of them before they are gone.

alejandro from colombia. spoke spanish, i have a big thing for that. no other qualifications but i am hoping this will be enough to carry him through a couple of rounds since i'd like to hear him roll his Rs and employ a lisp.
michael from austin. i don't know, the hair at first was real weird (even though dgh and lms loved it immediately, reminded them of going to toadies concerts in high school) but then it started to grow on me when he tucked it behind his ears nervously.

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