Tuesday, February 14, 2012

seven months

esther margaret is 7 months old. she thought white cable knit, heathered coral with contrast trim and dark rinse slim jeans were a great way to wear resort.

she is now sitting up (still no intentional rolling, happens on accident from time to time)..
pushing up..
and the biggest change of all, she now loves sophie, her once embittered enemy.
somewhere around teething, allergies, a cold, starting child care, switching to formula and constipation, we sort of dropped trying to have a set schedule. so she roughly wakes up at 730, eats and plays until 9-930. then she naps and wakes around 1030-11 and sometime between then and about 1p she eats and plays. then another nap until 2-230. up, eats again around 330. if i time it right, i can get her down for another catnap around 4 but otherwise we go running with lesley and one of her offspring, play or run errands until bedtime, which is 630-7.

she used to start talking a lot when she was tired but now she talks from the moment she wakes. i swear she has been saying "dada", i will try to record it on video.

she used to think baths were OK but is very excited about them now..when jse bathes her, i always hear lots of giggling and splashing..

she's eating better than ever! she would never take more than 24oz but is cruising along at 28-30oz these days. in addition, she is starting to feed herself and enjoy gumming all of her food. it's great to see her become more independent but she is losing interest in pureed food, which is a shame, because the freezer is now stockpiled with pureed millet + sweet potato, turkey + quinoa, spelt + peas and amaranth + apples.

here she is trying out and loving these japanese potato crackers that her habujee and hamoni got for her.
she's such a great kid, gentle, observant, super sweet and affectionate, she's pretty cute.

1 comment:

Mt. Marcy said...

so many changes in one week (or 4% of her life).