Saturday, July 23, 2011

these days, they are a burning

esther margaret is 11 days old. it's been 14 days since i've had a good night's sleep. 16 days since i swore that she was going to be a thanksgiving baby. 29 days since jse and i got married. but life now seems like it's always been just like this.

some notes.

she still looks like a chinese chuckie doll when she opens her eyes. here she is with yd.
i celebrated my 33rd birthday this past week, my whole family came to celebrate...

i live life on a three hour schedule. time used to have a relative quality to it, these days it is very absolute. lucky for me, em is a great sleeper. but it's so hard to wake her up to eat. we press cold soda cans on her legs or strip her down and rub her with cold baby lotion to torture her and can usually get a few minutes of eating. at this point, she'd never make it in the wild. i guess she'll have to come to survival school with me someday. here she is after i asked her to fold laundry, of course she fell asleep on the job.
jse: "she's like a baby monkey but more beautiful"


Swartz's Scribbles said...

she's real cute!

Anonymous said...

she is sooo cute! she looks like a whole more then a halfey. they change from week to week at that age though... next week she'll look like a white girl from the bronx and the next week back to looking like a groupie from the "dirty nuns". so happy for you. i know you're an amazing mama... that korean blood... it loves wild and deep.;) xo. mike and ike.