Sunday, April 10, 2011

week ending in 26

a few notes from week 26.

1. the talk of the town this week (4 people) is what eye color our little love will have. using a eye color calculator i found online, eme has an 86.3% chance of having brown eyes, an 8.5% chance of having green eyes and a 5.1% chance of having blue eyes. here is a link to the calculator if you want to try it!

2. my dad told me that at 7am on saturday, god gave him the korean name for sweet girl: eun hae, which translates to the grace from god.

3. my spatial reasoning skills have not started to recalibrate with my increase in girth and mass. i still believe i can fit through spaces that i could pre-pregnancy. this has resulted in a lot of forward-reverse-forward and forward-reverse-around motions.

4. my belly button has almost disappeared. if it was my nostril, i would be very close to the point of suffocation.

and since i feel pressure to have pictures included with every post:

here is amy at george's (the big o does not belong to me)
and winnie peeing in the snow


kk said...

my kid has almost a 100% chance to have brown eyes...hah and he does

Amy said...
