Wednesday, February 04, 2009

off the street

today, in passing, i looked at myself in the mirror and thought i looked like plastic. sort of tight looking with an eggshell finish. weird.

i have been bragging about the transformation of claire's breath - from hot garbage to minty fresh - after getting on the BARF diet. well, this morning, claire's breath smelled like hot garbage again, come to find out that it was because she really was eating garbage. my neighbor's. so i went out this morning wearing my waco lions hoodie, terry shorts, ugg boots, dishwashing gloves, and a disgruntled expression on my face to clean up the mess that my dog made of the discarded wonder bread, queso and dino nuggets that my neighbor threw away.

last, an update on my fever blister, i think i'm in the homestretch (never noticed how much the shape of my nostrils resemble kidney beans).

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