Tuesday, January 20, 2009

black people ain't used to being the man

you know in the movies, when two people are having a thoughtful conversation and then there's a protracted good-bye, and then one person either blinks or the line of vision is blocked, and the next second, the other person has disappeared? i am always surprised at the reaction of the person who is still left there. they just seem a little confused/disturbed/perturbed. but let's think about this: you have JUST said good bye to someone, you blink, and suddenly they're GONE. would you really just furrow your brow and sort of cock your head in a "huh?" and then go on with whatever you were doing? NO. you would absolutely be baffled and look for them everywhere. and if you couldn't find them, you'd text them, message them over blackberry messenger or check yourself into an mental clinic. MAN, i should be in the movie business.

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