Thursday, September 18, 2008

pirates booties

here's an opinion for you on the cresting trend of boots this season, if you are interested.

i consider shoes right now at a low point in fashion (on a macro level i think it's an important time, but right this second i'm writhing). i'm sure most everybody disagrees. i hate the current exploitation of the ankle boot. it has always been to me an advanced silhouette - or at worst, one that could not sustain general mainstream appeal because of their inborn character (they are not flattering on 9 out of 10 people, they take more thought to wear, and they teeter between beautiful and contrived depending on the wearer) - so i hate the trend because all of that just seems defused now, dumbed down. nothing is safe from consumerism i guess. and with how crazy all of the shapes and colors are, the boots seem like an act of desperation, which ever side of the fence you're on. the word strident comes to mind. my opinion is obviously not circumspect.

that said, i still think some of the boots/booties are very pretty. and that the high point and progress of the style has been conveyed this season with the increasing attention to the idea of of cut outs. since i feel like a charlaton when i stray too far from my minimalist aesthetic, i feel drawn to the version from loeffler randall, rupert sanderson and even marni. here are some of my favorite boots from my least favorite trend.


Mt. Marcy said...

I can't help it- I love the booties! Who makes the top one?

Anonymous said...

me likes the brown ones and the last one!

the roache hotel said...

do you people just look at the pictures and not actually read the text?