Friday, December 07, 2007

rolling in my 5 point oh with my rag top down so my hair can grow

well, i know that everyone has been shaking in their trousers worried about my orchid, and, by inference, the dying love between chad and me. so to my surprise today, i happened to look at the orchid to find new roots and leaves growing in! not only that, but the one bloom is not just surviving, it is casting a glow of life and hope onto the whole room. so there.

and, yesterday, mimi and i were talking about the fact that just because you are complimented on something, it doesn't mean that the complimenter really likes the object of deference. for instance, a good customer walked in to pick up some alterations. i thought she was dressed pretty normally until she pointed at something and i spied a wing of tie-dyed fringe emerging where the disconnect between arm and body should have been.

before i knew it, i said "...., i LOVE your top, that is so cool!" and i didn't mean it at all! maybe i thought she saw me looking at that sartorial disturbance with a furrowed brow and thought i had to save myself. or maybe i thought that something like that couldn't pass without being noticed and i couldn't get myself to say "wow, that's a really weird and sort of dumb shirt".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am now worried that that person is never going to take that shirt off again.