Thursday, November 01, 2007

dog the quilted, double ply paper towel hunter

what sort of place is this anyway? we blithely call our society "home", "america", "land of the free" and all the while, dog the bounty hunter has to tuck his tail between his legs for making a racial slur...i mean, the guy is a bounty hunter - it would seem to me that he's not a part of the fbi or any other conventional form of law enforcement because he's subterranean in that way. part of the reason we watch him is an attempt to preserve the unkempt, prosaic man in all of us. dog the bounty hunter isn't supposed to follow the rules. his name is dog! he's a bounty hunter!

(no i've never seen an episode but from what i know, he is an archetype redneck who happens to be a bounty hunter with a tv show documenting his adventures. i "hear" from "experts" that he has quite a following. dang it. i just watered down my opinion.)

1 comment:

PandK said...

i just care that dog keeps his hair and oakleys...